Dr. E offers innovative workshops designed for every organizational tier. Our workshops are tailored to cater to industry-specific needs and company culture, ensuring that sessions are engaging and meet the unique needs of every client. Every workshop is full of participation and dialogue, ensuring that clients take away practical strategies and skills that they can implement immediately. Reach out today to learn more.
This was very informative. I’ve gone to a quite a few of these and I found this one easy to digest and learn from. Thank you.
Film Workshop
Camera/Electrical Crew
I want to take a moment to say thank you. I valued looking at bias from a psychological perspective and loved the "three different people" exercise.
Non-Profit Leadership Workshop
Executive Director
I really enjoyed the workshop and find myself continuing to reflect on your presentation and the discussions.
Staff Development Workshop
Finance & Strategic Projects Manager
Popular Workshops
Interrupting Microaggressions
What is a microaggression? What do I do if I witness a microaggression? I didn't mean to offend anyone, so what do I do now? In this special topic workshop, we will learn to "call in" in the effort to turn uncomfortable situations into learning moments. Be ready to interact!
Learning Goals:
Learn Specific Phrases to React to a Situation
Identify and Know the Prevalence of Microaggressions
Best Suited For: Everyone!
Recruitment Strategies for Greater Diversity
This workshop introduces promising practices to increase your applicant diversity and achieve equitable hiring practices for all. Practical, no cost strategies will be presented for the entire search process, from realizing a need to offering the position.
Learning Goals:
Understand how cognitive errors impact decision making at each stage of the process and how to interrupt them.
Learn evaluation methods to allow for talented applicants who would otherwise be overlooked to say in the running.
Best Suited For: Search Committees
Working Through Imposter Syndrome
We have all felt it. That nagging feeling that someone is going to figure out that they chose the wrong person, that you aren't supposed to be here. This feeling rears its ugly head when we are new on the job, are one of the few of our demographic on staff, and in lots of spaces in between. It impacts our confidence to reach out and network and to speak up in classes/meetings. So what do we do? How are we going to get past imposter syndrome? In this hands-on workshop we will answer just that and walk away with the tools to remind ourselves of our brilliance and worth.
Learning Goals:
Consider where imposter syndrome may stem from
Know the triggers of imposter syndrome
Work through the feeling of being an imposter
Develop comfort in knowing that you are not alone
Best Suited For: Everyone!
Developing a Sustainable Action Plan
Equity action plans demonstrate organizational commitment to all employees and demystify efforts towards sustaining a welcoming environment where work/life balance is valued. Transparent and accessible plans underscore that equity and inclusion are everyone’s responsibility. Groups of learners will be guided in composing realistic, sustainable action plans to promote equity in their departments and teams.
Learning Goal:
Apply the Best Practices in Organizational Policy and Structure
Best Suited For: Managing Directors, Executive Suite